Make PDF seachable/OCR PDF

Use this tool for making PDF documents searchable and text selectable. This tool extracts the document's text using OCR (optical character recognition) and saves it as a hidden layer in the pdf. The tool can also be used for cleaning up the document (background removal) and reducing its size by lossless image compression. If you are logged in you can opt-in to get notified by email once the conversion is finished.

Source file

You can either enter a remote URL (e.g. a location where the source file is located) or a local file from your device. If both, an URL and a local file are selected then one of them is ignored.

Email notifications

Please login to display email notification settings.

How to search a PDF?

  1. Select the PDF in which you want to search words or phrases in.
  2. Click on "Start conversion" to extract the text in your PDF.
  3. Download your PDF file.

Advanced options

The advanced PDF options allow modification of output format specific parameters.

If you want to convert only a subset of pages then enter the page range here. Invalid or empty values will be ignored.



Possible languages:
'afr': Afrikaans
'amh': Amharic
'ara': Arabic
'asm': Assamese
'aze': Azerbaijani
'aze-cyrl': Azerbaijani (Cyrillic)
'bel': Belarusian
'ben': Bengali
'bod': Tibetan Standard
'bos': Bosnian
'bre': Breton
'bul': Bulgarian
'cat': Catalan
'ceb': Cebuano
'ces': Czech
'chi-sim': Chinese - Simplified
'chi-sim-vert': Chinese - Simplified (vertical)
'chi-tra': Chinese - Traditional
'chi-tra-vert': Chinese - Traditional (vertical)
'chr': Cherokee
'cos': Corsican
'cym': Welsh
'dan': Danish
'deu': German
'div': Divehi
'dzo': Dzongkha
'ell': Greek
'eng': English
'enm': English
'Middle (1100-1500)
'epo': Esperanto
'est': Estonian
'eus': Basque
'fao': Faroese
'fas': Persian
'fil': Filipino
'fin': Finnish
'fra': French
'frk': Frankish
'frm': French
'Middle (ca.1400-1600)
'fry': Frisian (Western)
'gla': Gaelic (Scots)
'gle': Irish
'glg': Galician
'guj': Gujarati
'hat': Hatian
'heb': Hebrew
'hin': Hindi
'hrv': Croatian
'hun': Hungarian
'hye': Armenian
'iku': Inuktitut
'ind': Indonesian
'isl': Icelandic
'ita': Italian
'ita-old': Italian - Old
'jav': Javanese
'jpn': Japanese
'jpn-vert': Japanese (vertical)
'kan': Kannada
'kat': Georgian
'kat-old': Old Georgian
'kaz': Kazakh
'khm': Khmer
'kir': Kyrgyz
'kor': Korean
'kor-vert': Korean (vertical)
'kur-ara': Kurdish (Arabic)
'lao': Lao
'lat': Latin
'lav': Latvian
'lit': Lithuanian
'ltz': Luxembourgish
'mal': Malayalam
'mar': Marathi
'mkd': Macedonian
'mlt': Maltese
'mon': Mongolian
'mri': Maori
'msa': Malay
'mya': Burmese
'nep': Nepali
'nld': Dutch
'nor': Norwegian
'oci': Occitan (post 1500)
'ori': Oriya
'osd': script and orientation
'pan': Punjabi
'pol': Polish
'por': Portuguese
'pus': Pashto
'que': Quechua
'ron': Romanian
'rus': Russian
'san': Sanskrit
'script-arab': Arabic script
'script-armn': Armenian script
'script-beng': Bengali script
'script-cans': Canadian Aboriginal script
'script-cher': Cherokee script
'script-cyrl': Cyrillic script
'script-deva': Devanagari script
'script-ethi': Ethiopic script
'script-frak': Fraktur script
'script-geor': Georgian script
'script-grek': Greek script
'script-gujr': Gujarati script
'script-guru': Gurmukhi script
'script-hang': Hangul script
'script-hang-vert': Hangul (vertical) script
'script-hans': Han - Simplified script
'script-hans-vert': Han - Simplified (vertical) script
'script-hant': Han - Traditional script
'script-hant-vert': Han - Traditional (vertical) script
'script-hebr': Hebrew script
'script-jpan': Japanese script
'script-jpan-vert': Japanese (vertical) script
'script-khmr': Khmer script
'script-knda': Kannada script
'script-laoo': Lao script
'script-latn': Latin script
'script-mlym': Malayalam script
'script-mymr': Myanmar script
'script-orya': Oriya (Odia) script
'script-sinh': Sinhala script
'script-syrc': Syriac script
'script-taml': Tamil script
'script-telu': Telugu script
'script-thaa': Thaana script
'script-thai': Thai script
'script-tibt': Tibetan script
'script-viet': Vietnamese script
'sin': Sinhala
'slk': Slovakian
'slv': Slovenian
'snd': Sindhi
'spa': Spanish
'spa-old': Spanish
'Castilian - Old
'sqi': Albanian
'srp': Serbian
'srp-latn': Serbian (Latin)
'sun': Sundanese
'swa': Swahili
'swe': Swedish
'syr': Syriac
'tam': Tamil
'tat': Tatar
'tel': Telugu
'tgk': Tajik
'tha': Thai
'tir': Tigrinya
'ton': Tonga
'tur': Turkish
'uig': Uyghur
'ukr': Ukrainian
'urd': Urdu
'uzb': Uzbek
'uzb-cyrl': Uzbek (Cyrillic)
'vie': Vietnamese
'yid': Yiddish
'yor': Yoruba.