Online MIDI to audio converter

Use this tool to convert MIDI files to high quality MP3, M4A, and lossless WAV audio. It is also possible to change MIDI effects, speed, pitch, and soundbanks. We support the following sound fonts: EAW Patches, Fluid3R (GM), Freepads, Merlin Vienna, Merlin Gold, and Airfont. If you are logged in you can opt-in to get notified by email once the conversion is finished.

Source file

You can either enter a remote URL (e.g. a location where the source file is located) or a local file from your device. If both, an URL and a local file are selected then one of them is ignored.

Email notifications

Please login to display email notification settings.

How to convert a MIDI to a MP3 file?

  1. Choose the MIDI file you want to convert.
  2. Change the soundfont (optional).
  3. Change the tempo (speed) and pitch (optional).
  4. Add chorus, delay, and reverb (optional).
  5. Select the audio format (MP3, WAV, M4A) and audio quality (optional).
  6. Click on "Start conversion" to convert your file from MIDI to MP3.
  7. Download your MP3 file.

Advanced MIDI options

Here you can modify MIDI effects, transpose the song (pitch), change the soundbank (the soundbank defines how sounds/instruments are generated), and other properties. We support the following sound fonts: EAW Patches, Fluid3R (GM), Freepads, Merlin Vienna, Merlin Gold, and Airfont.

Advanced audio options

The advanced audio options allow modification of audio quality, trimming, and other audio conversion parameters.

Set the start and end time of the media file. Invalid or empty values will be ignored. In some cases trimming the audio can lead to corrupt output files. The input format is HH:MM:SS (HH: hours, MM: minutes, SS: seconds).